wild words

The First Stirrings Of Instinctual Creativity

There's a point in each project when it feels like it's there.

When the first draft is 'ok enough' or the painting is satisfactory. I feel like that with Wild Words. The course material has been on a three-year journey, it has grown and evolved. Now I feel it's the animal it's meant to be. And it will go out into the wilds equipped to survive. I hope many more people will enjoy and make use of the material. 

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Acting On Impulse

The word 'emotion' comes from the latin 'ex-movere' meaning to move out into. The purpose of emotion is not just to feel, it's to feel in order to move our bodies to make contact with the world. To take advantage of opportunities, and t0 escape threats. To survive and to thrive. When we write, we have to be able to connect our inner to our outer worlds in that way. 

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